| Break-In Master
Member since Dec 2013 253 Points | The Creation / How Does It Feel To Feel
The Attack / Lady Orange Peel
The Pretty Things / She Say's Good Morning
The Beatles / Good Morning, Good Morning
The Beatles / Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (Reprise)
The Beatles / A Day In The Life
John Carter & Russ Alquist / The Laughing Man
The Sandy Coast / Back To The City
The Rolling Stones / On With The Show
Rainbow Ffolly / She's Alright
Rainbow Ffolly / I'm So Happy
Rainbow Ffolly / Mongolfier
Rainbow Ffolly / Drive My Car
Rainbow Ffolly / Goodbye
Rainbow Ffolly / Hey You
Rainbow Ffolly / Sun Sing
Hawkwind / Reefer Madness
Aguaturbia / I Wonder Who
1910 Fruitgum Company / Candy Kisses
The Monkees / Poll
The Monkees / Long Title: Do I Have To Do This All Over Again
Eric Burdon & The Animals / Gratefully Dead
(No Artist Listed) / It's Psychedelic, Baby!
Jimi Hendrix / Little One (Take 1)
George Harrison / Ski-Ing
George Harrison / Gat Kirwani
The Beatles / Within You, Without You
Back to The Creation and Eddie using his bow on the guitar. This one also reminds me a bit of The Move. There's a very strange "guitar solo" bit near the end that I have yet to be able to figure out how Eddie does it! I sounds to me like he's rolling a bottle or pipe back and forth over the strings and there's something on the bottle that's plucking one or more of the strings as it rolls across them.
What better way to follow up "she Says Good Morning" than with "Good Morning, Good Morning"? John claimed this was a throw away tune and he got the idea for it from a Kellogg's Corn Flakes commercial/ Geez!! I wish I could afford to throw away songs this good!!
As this and the next two songs in line were hermetically sealed to to each other, I opted to just let them all run together. At the end, I left the dog whistle and the run-off groove on and followed up the laughing and gibberish with, "The Laughing Man", which STARTS with laughing!
There's a speaking bit in the middle of the song which sounds to me like this was the same guy that voiced the head Blue Meany in "Yellow Submarine". Can anybody confirm my suspicion?
As the Rolling stones track ends with a kind of party going on, I chose the next song to follow it because it STARTS with a kind of party going on. as all of the songs on this album are linked together and are hard to separate,, I just let the entire side play and let it become it's own set of linking tracks. Side two will be done the same way, at some point. I'm told that this album is the only one Rainbow Ffolly ever did and that, once Paul McCartney got a copy, he played the hell out of it and deemed it his fave album and it inspired him to come up with the idea for Sgt. Pepper. The song, "Drive My Car" has nothing to do with the Beatle track of the same name.
Reefer Madness is one of the few actual psych tracks I've been able to find by Hawkwind, And it's from the `70's!! Sure, a number of their tracks from their earlier albums will eventually show up in the project but, they're more space rock than true psych.
Aguaturbia are a band from South America, as far as I can recall. I really like the singer's voice!! Something about her voice has a kind of honest sound to it. Like, she's just using HER voice and not trying to put on a certain style to it. Edie Brickell is the same way. I think I read somewhere that they actually played entire gigs completely naked. They also appeared naked on the cover of their album! Sadly, this is the only song on the album that I thought was psych. The rest are a bit more on the prog side.
As there are backwards effects on the vocals on that song, I followed with one of the MANY Buddah backwards B-sides!! As far as I know, this is the ONLY one that will be used in the project. All the others I've got just sound like a record played backwards and that doesn't make them psych! I've never played it forwards so, I have no idea what it sounds like the right way around. it's on the flip of Goody Goody Gumdrops.
Again, Poll and Long Title are joined together so, linked so, I let them play together.
"It's Psychedelic, Baby!" is basically a short commercial for acid or a psychedelic movie.
Little One is from an album I found a few years ago that supposedly contains a lot of instrumental Hendrix tracks If this is not him, someone let me know.
When I first started this project 22 years and 6 days ago, I originally had two tracks from the Wonderwall soundtrack within the first two cassettes and then, about 15 years later decided that they just didn't seem to work well in that spot so, I dropped them from that spot to be used later where they WOULD fit. I'm pretty sure these are those two tracks. The only way I can find out where I originally had them is to get the cassettes out and check because, I just don't recall anymore where I had them.
And, with that, we step into a section of Indian-based psych. More about that tomorrow!