| Break-In Master
Member since Dec 2013 253 Points | As some of you might know, or even care, I've been editing together the entire Woodstock concert on my computer for the past month, or so (this session. I've actually been trying to do it for the past 15 years, or so). I just started day 3 last night and figure I've got about another 15 CD's worth to go but, the last CD in the series will be on the short side: not enough to FILL the full CD so, I'm thinking of filling that extra time with a collection of the songs that people recorded ABOUT Woodstock after the event. Candles In The Rain, Woodstock, etc.. I can think of about 5 such songs. Does anyone know of any others? I know Robert Plant did one on his 5th or 6th album and I recently found one that I THINK was on Uni, I just don't recall what it was.
There's a possibility that the last CD might only have 10:00 of Woodstock stuff on it so, I might even include the two comedy albums, "Lemmings" and "Woodschtick".
In case you're wondering, the reason there's gonna be space left over is because I prefer not to waste disc or tape space if it's available and the next song in line on a project will easily fit so, I don't cater to the one artist per CD way that Andy Zaks was doing. I can also do what they do on radio when listening to it and start the next CD or tape side right where the first one ends to make it a more seamless project. And, if I reduce the whole ting to WAV or MP3 files, those possible breaks between CD's will no longer exist, anyway. So, as I fill `em up. I'm able to whittle the whole thing (including the couple hours of stuff I've got that's NOT on Andy's version) to about 35 CD's. At the moment, I'm just speculating by doing the math in my head and not trying to be exact about it so, nearest I can figure, the last CD will either have about 10;00 or it'll be around an hour long.
There's actually no point to BEING exact about it at the moment because, I have yet to check my announcements on day three against the ones on Andy's version and, when he's got stuff that I already have, I'll usually just drop mine and that gives me a bit more space to deal with so, I can only estimate throughout the entire project. I do this checking as I edit.