| Break-In Master
Member since Dec 2013 251 Points |
KeithS wrote:
All language is in a constant state of change..some of the things I've noticed is the letter "T"seems to have disappeared from the alphabet..but thats probably for the be....er
And lots of people "Fink" instead of think
Santa Claus comes down the "chimley"
...and in the US .."I don't know, I'll ax him"
Apparently, there's only one or two dialects that don''t use the T very often, if at all, except where they don't need to like, IN the word, "often". I've always been taught that the T is silent but, suddenly, EVERYONE pronounces the T!!
I started wondering a few weeks ago why some Brits will say, "wiff" or "wiv" instead of 'with", and the same goes for other (oops, over) TH words.
I've also heard, "chimbley".
It's most blacks over here that use "axe" instead of "ask". They'll even say, "Can I axe you a quextion?" I don''t know iif it's intentional but, they seem to get the pronunciation of certain letter combos reversed. Like, my singer would sometimes talk about King Crinsome. Other than that, I never noticed him using other black-ish lingo unless he, in humourous affectation, was imitating black dialect, like, he'd say, "I'm gonna smack you upside yo haid!"
And there are some people who, for some reason, pronounce an "ST" as if it's spelled, "SHT". "It went shtraight out into the shtreet!'"
Then, there''s people that add syllables to words. I used to work as a cashier in a 7-11 and there was this one older guy that'd come in and buy Omni cigarettes and he would pronounce it, "Omini". Or, when I worked at the Science Center and someone wanted a ticket for the Omnimax theatre, they might say, "Ominimax". This extra syllable seems to always come in words that contain an M in the middle, like, "Chimeny".