| Break-In Master
Member since Dec 2013 251 Points |
fantasista wrote:
Unfortunately I don't think Paypal can help you with that. If the seller isn't responding, I'd actually phone eBay customer service (unless they have a live online chat function now? I don't know) and ask if it's a problem they can resolve. But it sounds like in this case, the seller just hasn't sent you a proper invoice yet with the discount applied. Is there any notice on the seller's store page about being on vacation or to expect a delay for some other reason? I'm pretty sure they're supposed to send you an invoice and respond to messages within a certain time, otherwise.
It's been a while since I used eBay as well because the whole payment system seems to be broken.
No invoice has shown up, still no responses from the seller, he/she doesn't appear to be on vacation based on the PayPal invoice telling me I SHOULD have them here within a week and there's no such notice on their page. I just wrote him/her another message asking what my step is and thought I should check here, first, in case there's an answer to my query on this subject. As there isn't (at least not one telling me what I need to do to pay them), I'll send it off in hopes I get a response, this time. At this point, I'll be LUCKY to get them before Christmas! Not that it's imperative, they're only Christmas presents for myself (I have no one else to buy for or anyone to buy for me so, I treat myself), so, getting them after Christmas is fine, I just don't wanna HAVE to wait until next Summer to get them!