| j.monk
Member since Sep 2017 167 Points | May I introduce you to my repertory of French phonographic brands ?
At some point, collecting 78s records becomes more than just the music. It's the History, the mysteries, the myth. When I started getting interested in French records (which I wasn't when I started collecting) I quickly discovered the vast variety of brands. Many were unknown to me and questions were not easy to answer. As a label runner myself (in another life) I got hooked by brands' history and I realized that unlike the US, UK or Germany, French brands were not much described. There were pieces of information here and there but nothing that gathered them all. Quite frustrated by the situation, and after working on few brands for myself, I started working on an illustrated repertory of French brands. After almost three years of work, here is the Label Gallery Française.
Still a work in progress, the Gallery offers today more than 240 brands, illustrated by more than 1700 images. More than a hundred records and images are waiting to be treated and as much stories to be told. I'm not done, I'll keep writing, updating, upgrading as much as I can in the future. The Label Gallery is also free access documents and more than a hundred sides transferred, spanning across almost 60 years of French music. For now, I hope you'll enjoy the trip through the French record market before microgroove records took over.
Edited by moderator on 24th Jan 2023, 1:56 PM |