That's why I'm hoarding / ripping DVDs to SD cards.
As well as the proprietary issues...
(Is it overstating it to call the modern lack of ownership of our own culture a civil rights issue?)
...There are two issues to do with the nebulous streaming phenomenon that bother me:
Firstly, as this content is centralised and digitally distributed, if a great big hack takes place, that denies access to, or eliminates entirely the content, we lose all - in the age of cyber-warfare, or cyber-terrorism, can this possibility be discounted... Especially when AI cyber hacking weapons get some traction, possibly even on quantum computers, does this seem that outlandish?
... And secondly, the companies that own and distribute viewing experiences through this method are also, often publicly traded companies, and if anything happens in the abstracted, and oblique sphere of economics (another financial crash, perhaps), due to the high winds of global economic finance, those companies (or at least a couple of the major ones), might go under, and all assets either lost, or embroiled in legal rights issues until resolved.
You can't watch Dogma anywhere other than on a dvd, or super scarce (and hence, insanely valuable Blu-Ray) due to Heavy W%$kstain owning the thing, and denying Kevin Smith the rights to his own film.
Cultural Armageddon is likely soon, through one means or another, and then there will be two kinds of people in the world: Those with physical media who have access anytime they want, and those who don't.
(I may sell one or two DVDs then, for the very reasonable price of £200 a pop - physical cash though, of course
