| danceband91
Member since Nov 2020 119 Points | Hi Mike. I agree that you've probably exhausted the collections of members here (at least those who browse the forums). In terms of other places to ask, I seem to remember you saying that you were thinking of placing an advert in Memory Lane magazine, although I think they were quoting £75 (presumably for a full page advert) which might have put you off. However, I believe you can place a smaller advert for just £5 (in the "Mini Displays" section - see here). You only get 40 words, so you couldn't put the whole list in, but maybe just a few that you've been looking for for the longest time, or just a more general appeal for e.g. Turner Layton records, given he makes up a fair proportion of your list.
In terms of other 78-oriented forums, there don't seem to be many that are particularly active (not surprisingly!), but the following might be worth asking on if you haven't already:
The Talking Machine Forum (https://forum.talkingmachine.info). This has a fairly active Music sub-forum, and also a (less active) "UK/European trader" subforum for wanted/sales ads.
UK Vintage Radio Repair & Restoration forum (https://www.vintage-radio.net/forum/index.php).Despite the name, this does have a vintage audio section, where there are occasional threads about 78 collecting, although it's mainly technical discussions about gramophones. It is a UK audience though, which is a plus.
Antique Radios forum (https://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=20). This has a "Music, Musicians and Media" subforum, although its scope seems to be very broad!
And then there's the "Music Corner" of Steve Hoffman's forum (https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/forums/music-corner.2/), which lumps all music together, but there are some 30s/40s discussions in amongst the rest.
I'm not personally familiar with any of these forums, so it may be that they don't allow "wants lists" type posts, but I'd say it's worth a shot. Worst case scenario the post gets deleted. Otherwise, the British Library may indeed be your only option.