Tape Media: Cassette AlbumSide One |
01 | [no artist listed] | Dogs Barking | | Rate |
02 | [no artist listed] | Lion Growling | | Rate |
03 | [no artist listed] | Pigs Grunting | | Rate |
04 | [no artist listed] | Cows Mooing | | Rate |
05 | [no artist listed] | Sheep Baa-ing | | Rate |
06 | [no artist listed] | Chicken Clucking | | Rate |
07 | [no artist listed] | Cockerel Crowing | | Rate |
08 | [no artist listed] | Horse Neighing | | Rate |
09 | [no artist listed] | Seagulls | | Rate |
10 | [no artist listed] | Donkey Braying | | Rate |
11 | [no artist listed] | Owl Hooting | | Rate |
12 | [no artist listed] | Cat Purring | | Rate |
13 | [no artist listed] | Dawn Chorus | | Rate |
14 | [no artist listed] | Summer Birds | | Rate |
15 | [no artist listed] | Crickets | | Rate |
16 | [no artist listed] | Children In Playground | | Rate |
17 | [no artist listed] | Thunderstorm | | Rate |
18 | [no artist listed] | Gale | | Rate |
19 | [no artist listed] | Heavy Rain | | Rate |
20 | [no artist listed] | Bubbling Stream | | Rate |
21 | [no artist listed] | Lapping Water | | Rate |
22 | [no artist listed] | Blustery Wind On Clifftop | | Rate |
23 | [no artist listed] | Cheering Crowd | | Rate |
24 | [no artist listed] | Boats In Harbour | | Rate |
25 | [no artist listed] | Fireworks | | Rate |
26 | [no artist listed] | Boos, Jeers And Hisses | | Rate |
27 | [no artist listed] | Woman Screaming | | Rate |
28 | [no artist listed] | Baby Crying | | Rate |
29 | [no artist listed] | Laughter Into Applause | | Rate |
30 | [no artist listed] | Snoring | | Rate |
31 | [no artist listed] | Chewing And Slurping | | Rate |
32 | [no artist listed] | Kissing | | Rate |
33 | [no artist listed] | Footsteps | | Rate |
34 | [no artist listed] | Scary Footsteps | | Rate |
35 | [no artist listed] | Door Opens | | Rate |
36 | [no artist listed] | Door Closes | | Rate |
37 | [no artist listed] | Jet Passes Overhead | | Rate |
38 | [no artist listed] | Steam Train Leaves Station | | Rate |
39 | [no artist listed] | Train Interior | | Rate |
40 | [no artist listed] | Train Pulls Into Station | | Rate |
41 | [no artist listed] | Ship Siren | | Rate |
42 | [no artist listed] | Car Approaches And Skids | | Rate |
43 | [no artist listed] | Motorbike Passes | | Rate |
Side Two |
44 | [no artist listed] | Tiger Moth Flies Past | | Rate |
45 | [no artist listed] | Helicopter Hovers | | Rate |
46 | [no artist listed] | Diesel Truck Starts Up And Departs | | Rate |
47 | [no artist listed] | Tube Train Departs | | Rate |
48 | [no artist listed] | Aircraft Interior, Prepares For Take Off | | Rate |
49 | [no artist listed] | Funny Duck | | Rate |
50 | [no artist listed] | Cartoon Horse | | Rate |
51 | [no artist listed] | Rubber Squeaks | | Rate |
52 | [no artist listed] | Balloon Blowing Away | | Rate |
53 | [no artist listed] | Ratchet | | Rate |
54 | [no artist listed] | Wibble/Wobble | | Rate |
55 | [no artist listed] | Swannee Whistles | | Rate |
56 | [no artist listed] | Cartoon Bird | | Rate |
57 | [no artist listed] | Fall And Crash (Cymbal) | | Rate |
58 | [no artist listed] | Cymbal Crash | | Rate |
59 | [no artist listed] | Bicycle Bell | | Rate |
60 | [no artist listed] | Comedy Laugh | | Rate |
61 | [no artist listed] | Whooshes (x3) | | Rate |
62 | [no artist listed] | Squeaking Machine | | Rate |
63 | [no artist listed] | Bulb Horn | | Rate |
64 | [no artist listed] | Cicada | | Rate |
65 | [no artist listed] | Toilet Flush | | Rate |
66 | [no artist listed] | Tongue Twisters | | Rate |
67 | [no artist listed] | Comic Crash | | Rate |
68 | [no artist listed] | Flying Saucers | | Rate |
69 | [no artist listed] | Electronic Whoosh | | Rate |
70 | [no artist listed] | Shooting Stars (x2) | | Rate |
71 | [no artist listed] | Laser Beams | | Rate |
72 | [no artist listed] | Laser Blasts | | Rate |
73 | [no artist listed] | Hydroplasma Machine | | Rate |
74 | [no artist listed] | Computer Chatter | | Rate |
75 | [no artist listed] | Haywire | | Rate |
76 | [no artist listed] | Hectastat | | Rate |
77 | [no artist listed] | Vibrating Hum | | Rate |
78 | [no artist listed] | Space Atmosphere | | Rate |
79 | [no artist listed] | Pleasuredome | | Rate |
80 | [no artist listed] | Outer Limits | | Rate |
NotesFree with "Video Camera" magazine.
Recording Engineer: Douglas Glen.
Producer: Peter Johnson.

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