Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6576 Points Moderator
There is a similar topic on the 45Cat forums that seems to be popular so I though I would start one here too to cover 45Worlds.
A local charity shop threw up today a huge bunch of 1950/60s Lounge/Easy Listening which is not my normal purchase however I could not leave them because they were mint condition (both covers and vinyl) and only 50p each. They looked like they had just come from the shop selling them.
They must have come from a collection of some music lover now deceased.
Included was:
along with lots of original Frank Sinatra, Ray Anthony etc.
I took 36 and left behind over 50 Stan Keaton albums, again in mint condition.
As a collector of very early Stereo LPs and EPs, a lot of Easy Listening LPs from the late 50s / early 60s are quite easy to find in Stereo, and in mint or near mint condition. Some of them are also quite collectable.
I had a similar find of LPs like this a couple of years ago (though not in the large quantity you've found), and amongst them was a lovely Andre Brasseur LP on UK CBS - I think this sells for about £15 - £20 to the right collector.
Edited by GeneRobertson on 24th Dec 2013, 11:57 AM
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
This is going to be a fantastic thread eventually, once the database is a lot bigger. Right now most of our collective new purchases are new additions so we can't instantly add the images to the thread but I look forward to seeing this grow.
I did buy a few LPs on Sunday whilst picking up a Teddy Pendergrass album ("Ready For Teddy") for my sis-in-law's Xmas present - I'm only now getting to check what is and is not on already, so I'll be back...
and my only LP xmas present which i've just got round to uploading
South african beatles lp sadly theres a crack which means i won;t be playing track one on either side!! but i'm told it came cheap in a job lot and it is a nice interesting label even if the disc itself is rough (haven't played it yet to see how bad the it is though)
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
I'll say. Lovely thing.
Less spectacularly, I spent the weekend in Leeds and (me and the missus) bought 21 LPs and a handful of singles from mainly Leeds Record Fair, with a handful from a chazza in Otley yesterday.
Most are still to be added, I did a few last night but plenty more to come on hopefully this evening all being well.
We did get some nice stuff... skint now though!
I managed to resist the urge to buy the cassette copy of Michael Jackson's "Bad" that I saw in a junk shop yesterday - yours for just four quid.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
I'll try and sort some photos of the real thing, those are off the web, Nboldock only a few records from Otley, theres a 2nd hand record shop down there...
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
Dr Doom wrote:
carryonsidney wrote:
Nboldock only a few records from Otley, theres a 2nd hand record shop down there...
Is it a second hand record shop or a second hand everything shop?
I was in Otley a couple of years ago and must have missed it.
Nice place though!
It's a record shop. Down a little side street behind the Black Bull pub towards where the Old Cock pub is.
We had a gander in the window - they also had some guitars for sale - but alas couldn't get inside :-(
Edit: to say though, they did have some very common 7" singles lined up with silly, silly price on them...
However they did also have a sign saying "78s Sold Here!", which intrigued us as we are just starting out on that road but of course we couldn't get in, so...
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
Bob (i think) is a nice bloke but old school, you have to be regular like before seeing the boxes under the counter! Loads of vinyl and shellac and even cassettes if your that way inclined. He's a guitar player and [from the early 60's era pre beatles] hence the guitar bits + spares for sale. I think its John who has the upstairs part which is a book shop.
Got this for £3 or some silly price like that the other day, not only a new addition to my collection but a new entry on the site
This was offered to me for £8 a price too good to turn down, and again the release had no images on the site.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
So today I went in the local charity shop after giving this some consideration for a while, and bought their entire stock of cassettes... just for 45 Worlds (though there are a couple of local interest ones I will keep).
Haven't counted them but there are about 50-60 I think and they cost me the grand total of £2.50.
Coming soon to a website near you!
(This haul has raised a couple of questions which I'll post on a more relevant thread to avoid warping this one).
A cursory glance shows a mixed bag but some interesting/obscure/amusing items to add to the site, some foreign tapes as well, certainly some from Yugoslavia, France, USA and Australia (and possibly elsewhere when I get chance to have a proper sort).