Clearing out a house I've found around 40 12" vinyls, all seemingly in good condition. None are in original jackets, but in individual jackets in boxes.
As I have no use for them I would like to sell them, could anyone point me in the right direction please? Is ebay best for this sort of thing? I live in London, are there any good record shops I could go too?
Record shops won't pay you what they are worth - obviously, because they will sell them for what they are worth, and have to pay quite a bit under in order to get their profit.
Ebay may be best. If you look one up on Ebay, then press 'Advanced search', and then click 'Completed listings' it will give you a page which shows other sales of that item, and how much they fetched. This will give you a realistic idea of what you can get for them. Condition is important of course.