Does anyone know much about Goodson Records? I just picked up five of them in pretty poor condition, but with their original paper sleeves. Are they worth anything?
I notice only one on this site so far, so I will endeavor to add these before I sell/dispose of. They do seem to be pretty hard to find.
So it does! I'm not too surprised because I know they are scarce. I imagine collectors don't come across them too often. I guess mine will up on Ebay as I have no real interest myself. Just wanted to rescue them from a charity shop - £2 each so I have a chance of recouping my tenner spend.
I wonder why they didn't succeed? According to their own claims, the records offered superior sound to conventional 78s. They were also light and flexible - and therefore unbreakable, unlike shellac. Sounds to me like a winner all round, and yet, as you say, they disappeared pretty quickly.
PS - was it you who added the dates to my uploads from earlier today? If so, many thanks!
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3482 Points Moderator
I saw that you added them yesterday, so adding the dates was just part of the service we mods try to provide. I've been very impressed by lorangrecords ability to provide dates, so I found out what he was using and treated myself to a copy