Can I verify the origin of the "Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab" recently another member has informed me that the company is based in USA, but it has all its record pressed in Japan, which can be seen on the record labels.
Should the company be shown on 45worlds as USA or Japan? currently it is shown as USA.
I only raise this point as when singles have been pressed in France for release in the UK they have been and are listed as France?
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4138 Points Moderator
This is always a debated point PM, but the request is that records be entered under the country of intended release, not the country of manufacture if that's different. So USA seems correct for this one
- Jules
it is an American company. being that this label released original master recordings, the best possible vinyl was to be used and that apparently came from Japan. also Japanese releases generally use both Japanese text as well as the usual text used for many languages.
This rule makes perfect sense when one recalls that during the early years of the CD, the only manufacturing plants in existence were located in Japan. You would have to say all early/mid 80s cds were Japan regardless of the label or intended market, including for discs that continued to be manufactured in the US without visibile change after plants got up and running there.
Langenhagen is next to Hannover, so a lot of people think Polygram's CD plant (later Universal, now EDC) is based in Hannover. The first record plant of Deutsche Grammophon itself was indeed in Hannover, first in the Kniestraße, later moved to the Podbielskistraße (closed 1990), but CDs were pressed in Langenhagen only.