I have amassed a number of these Cd's, mainly from boot sale for next to nothing mostly. A very few CD's were worth keeping, but mainly I got these to use the card sleeves for storing a lot of my Cd's that I record of my PC, mostly data and in doing so I put a lot of stickers on the front to identify these. Now, here comes the new 45 worlds and the new CD album section and ??? Well I've started fishing out what I can get to scan up on the CD album part, mostly the backs. But I find that a number of them do not have a regular catalog numbering system and some that don't have them. The labels are easy enough, put in Daily Mirror, etc. The bonus tracks, may not have the composers name but have Copyright Control. Can you put that in the composers box. I hope what I do is alright?
There are a few issues generally with free CDs given away with magazines and newspapers.
Taking Classic Rock magazine freebies as an example, some of these have been entered as CD albums/singles and others have been categorised as promos; additionally, some contributors have taken the name of the magazine as the label, whereas others have taken the label from elsewhere on the disc/sleeve, for example Future or Roadrunner.
I don't have a particular preference, but it would be probably helpful if there was a consistent approach. Any thoughts?
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
For the label in these cases, I would say take the most prominent logo to be the label or just use common sense based on what you see in front of you.
Usually with the magazine/newspaper freebies the publication name is the obvious logo on the discs and packaging, though this is of course not always the case.
If in doubt, go with "best guess" and you can always post it up for discussion if unsure.
The fun of the Bonus tracks (a) not playing on a normal CD HiFi unit and (b) being printed in teeny black writing on red background REALLY puts me off entering them in any way. Conversly to OP I have been cutting the card sleeves and placing into old plastic flip CD cases to hold some of my small collection, as some cards can differ in size.
Wait, I have to scan what now? Member since Jan 2013 772 Points Moderator
Plocky45 has asked a question I was searching the forums to find an answer for.
Do we class newspaper free CDs as promos because they were "given" with the paper, or albums because,er, well, they're albums.
I've added one as an "album" because a promo to me is something more akin to a white label releases sent to radio stations, but it's something that should be decided as policy sooner rather than later. I labelled the CD I uploaded "Daily Star Sunday / Peoplesound" as it's credited to both on the CD.
I'm not too concerned over whether newspapers should be classified as "proper" labels, there's so much blurring of boundaries within the media these days that I would consider a release from a newspaper as worthy of categorising as a "label" as any record company. That said, I suppose you could argue over whether the Daily Express, Daily Star, Star Sunday should be together under an all-encompassing "Express Newspapers" label, Daily Mirror under "Trinity Mirror" and so on.
I agree. You do buy them, albeit with the daily rag, so for me they are just CD albums. Promos are not for sale through retail outlets - they are distributed free at the behest of the record labels for their own purposes.