There are currently two label databases for this company. (Three, if you count Varese Sarabande - Europe) All of the CD's that I own show the Varese Sarabande logo on the back and the label, with Varese Vintage printed below it. The catalog numbers seem to merge together. There may be some Varese Sarabande releases that are not in the Vintage series, but I think that these two databases should be merged together to show the full listing in one place to avoid confusion. Is this possible?
I brought this topic up over 4 months ago, and so far, the moderators have done nothing about the dual listings for the Varese Sarabande label and its Varese Vintage Series. THEY ARE THE SAME COMPANY, sharing the same catalog number series. Varese Sarabande currently has 49 entries and Varese Vintage has 44 listings. The main label (Sarabande) seems to be mostly, if not all, soundtracks. The Vintage series has far more releases, but some members add them to the Sarabande listing because it appears first on the drop-down. The Vintage series is identified below the Varese Sarabande logo on the labels and the back covers. Unfortunately, the members who are adding them to the wrong label do not furnish scans of the labels or back covers.
I think the best solution would be to combine the two databases, and show both names as one selection to avoid confusion and possible duplicate entries. See their (combined) website to confirm what I am saying:
Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6576 Points Moderator
vidman45 - sorry that no action seems to have be taken on your request for a mod to look at this label. I have had a look at both labels and also the web site you reference and the Wikipedia page.
As you rightly say the label is Varèse Sarabande and the Varèse Vintage is an inprint (or series) within it. Looking at the tray scans uploaded for the albums clearly show the label name on the spine.
What I will do is start changing them over and annotating the notes to reflect that the relevant CD is part of the "Varèse Vintage" series/imprint so that you can search using either name.
Thank you for consolidating the databases. I took a look at the combined listing for Varese Sarabande, and it is good to finally see everything in one place under one label name.