I've just noticed that when uploading images to CD Album World,that the second image (after the main cover) is 2 or 3 pixels less high than the next images see here.I try to keep the pixel height the same over all booklet images to maintain continuity,so i think its just that the second image is shorter,can it be amended,or am i just being too picky:)
I could be wrong, but I think what is happening is that the images aren't perfectly square. The site makes images of uniform width, but if they aren't perfect squares, the top edges will then vary.
The thing to do is, before you finish editing an image, set the height and width so they are identical, and all the images will look the same height on the page.
It should be noted that adjusting an image to an exact square slightly blurs the image (well,it does in Paint.net anyhow),so it's a toss-up between uniformity and clarity.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
Yeah I wouldn't make the image square unless it's absolutely square to start with. It doesn't matter if the thumbnails look a little higgledy piggledy (though I see the point) as long as the images are essentially good.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
Don't manually resize your scanned image - If you have photoshop use the crop tool set to the sq size of your choice then pull crop to very slightly outside of your scanned image, then crop. Then use marquee as "invert selection" to get rid of excess colour pixels, that will leave a nice white background to match the website, and the image should look normal and not distorted in any way.
Not sure about other progs as only use photoshop myself but principal should be the same.
Wait, I have to scan what now? Member since Jan 2013 772 Points Moderator
I have Photoshop but use Irfanview for most images. It's free and there are plug-ins for both lossless crop and rotation (although the standard Irfan crop seems OK to me) plus you can re-sample when you resize an image.
I use Picture it, and you can re-size images fine, with no apparent loss. I think Paint is pretty poor when trying to adjust ratios, but there is software out there which will do it no problem. It's a case of experimenting, I think. It does look better if the images are all the same height, though not essential of course.