Hi all.. have taken several photographs of my 78's and would like to start adding them to the site. have downloaded the programme paint.net but on pressing the eclipse key to surround the label it seems to go into an egg sort of shape rather than a circle..what am i doin wrong..help :(
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4150 Points Moderator
Hold SHIFT while selecting the circle!
Then it's CTL + SHIFT + X to crop to the circle, then CTL + SHIFT + Z to rotate them accurately
Will be good to see your images
- Jules
Self praise is no recommendation. Member since Oct 2011 45560 Points Moderator
I use paint.net (version 4.0.2), and find it much easier to use a mouse than the keypad. Make sure you chose the 'Ellipse Select' tool.
I always crop my label scans to squares in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, before tidying them up in paint.net, ensuring that the four edges of the square are just about touching the edges of the labels.Once in paint.net, I then drag the Ellipse Select tool from the very top left of the square.
Many thanks for the encouragement guys.. i havent got a Scanner and my camera isnt very good, but at least its a start and i suppose they will do for reference :)