I can't load images - even ones that I have copied from previous entries that have been accepted? For instance dimensions 213x215 pixels size 4k any help appreciated please.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Not necessarily - all Google Images does is to pick up images from websites. No copyright status (or lack of it) is implied or assured. It's best avoided for that reason alone. We encourage the uploading of images from members' own collections but not from anywhere else (Discogs, eBay, etc.) unless the owner of the original image has given express consent to do so (it does happen).
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7198 Points Moderator
Yeah just to confirm Google Images is merely a search engine, not an image bank, and the images there are, in the vast majority of cases, NOT public domain.
In simple terms, if you didn't make the image yourself (by photo or scanner), then unless someone gave you specific permission to use it, it probably shouldn't be here.