To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
I've just added a U.K. Sarah Vaughan L.P. that was issued on Philips 6336 224 ...
The L.P. cover (but not the label) has "International Series" printed on it.
I was trying to work out in what year this release came out (it looks like 1974 or 1975 but for the moment I've left it blank) and I noticed that "Philips International" has been set up here as a separate label with 12 L.Ps currently assigned to it.
Surely all of these "Philips International" L.P.s should belong to the main Philips discography?? What are the general guidelines for this?
I'm fairly sure that "International Series" was used by Fontana as well (I don't know about Vertigo, and Mercury probably not, as Sarah Vaughan's album came from that label's catalogue), so I think the Series field would be better than label.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4138 Points Moderator
This is an interesting variation of the Philips label; it is clearly shown as a series in its own right, and the catalogue numbers may be specific to that series. Also you can see "SMP price guide" on some of the sleeves, which relates to the SMP series of Philips.
I feel it is worth making Philips International a subset of the main listing, which probably contains many more of the 'International' series