Yep,i too prefer the old - new way,more logical,but i can also see why some like the new - old way also,perhaps (if possible) we could have a toggle button for both?
I'm intrigued by the more complicated but better viewpoint. Perhaps, the albums will be put in release order, but with the reissues tagged on immediately after each original album. The Rare Record Price Guide experimented with something similar a few years back with the Bob Dylan entries.
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
plocky45 wrote:
I'm intrigued by the more complicated but better viewpoint. Perhaps, the albums will be put in release order, but with the reissues tagged on immediately after each original album. The Rare Record Price Guide experimented with something similar a few years back with the Bob Dylan entries.
With album re-issues, I think they should be discounted(except as a footnote to a first issue of the given LP or CD), For instance, for With The Beatles, list the first(original) issue of the album, then, as a footnote, make a reference to any re-issues the album's had, and any subsequent new catalogue numbers assigned to it.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Just to make things complicated,
how about a chart presentation, with the earliest title appearing at the top left, with subsequent chronological releases going down the page, but with another timeline going left to right, and all reissues in chronological sequence going out that way from the original issue?
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Magic Marmalade wrote:
Just to make things complicated,
how about a chart presentation, with the earliest title appearing at the top left, with subsequent chronological releases going down the page, but with another timeline going left to right, and all reissues in chronological sequence going out that way from the original issue?