Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7198 Points Moderator
Right guys n gals - advice needed.
I need a small turntable, reasonably portable and preferably with USB output. Not for use as a primary turntable (sorted in that department) but just for (a) listening to records quietly in bed, and (b) to use for ripping vinyl to MP3 (mainly for use on my radio show).
Obviously I'll be moving it between rooms a lot so something small and portable. And cheap (less than a ton if poss).
Anyone got any recommendations? So many cheap things on the market at the moment with mixed reviews. I trust you lot more than anonymous Amazon reviews - fire away!
I'll take this opportunity to relate an incident that happened this Christmas just gone too:
Last year I went to HMV in the new year to get my copy of The Bends, by Radiohead on vinyl, and found a um, consideration... or er, a procrastination (Don't know if there's a proper collective noun for the species) of middle aged men gathered around the 2 meter section of vinyl racking there, and watched with wonder as they gathered armfuls of vinyl at a time... laying out hundreds of pounds a go for their booty.
Vinyl is well and truly on the way back! (thinks I, with glee).
This Christmas, I went back toget some prezzies, and ended up getting something for myself (Love: Forever Changes White Vinyl), but things have moved on even in one year...
As that small rack of vinyl now occupies on entire row of media, and the entire back wall is covered with 12" chart vinyl art loveliness!
But more remarkable, is that other than the middle aged geezers blowingtheir pension pots, there was a group of teenage girls in school uniform gatheredaround the racks, which, in spite of my surprise at even this fact, I expected to see grabbing One Direction and such.... but no.... Led. Zeppelin!
Overhearing the conversation, one girl remarked to the other:
"I've already got this one, and X has zep 2... what I want is a turquoise lettered zep 1"
There really is something happening under the surface of things here... which even the media haven't fully appreciated the scale and depth of yet... a movement, maybe even a cultural revolution is cooking.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
That Numark turntable in the video is marketed by Ion over in this direction. It does a nice job -- but -- it only comes with a microgroove stylus, so I had to order on for my 78s.
While I welcome a resurgence of vinyl, I hate the way it is being marketed. For example, an LP now carrying a price of $25. It gets promoted as being made of all sort of high profile vinyl etc. Prob is that super quiet 180 g heavy vinyl copy will sound like rubbish when the cat leaps off a shelf and the tone arm skates across the disc leaving a scratch. Better to find a used vinyl store and pickup a nice copy for $5.
Then there is the pretentious stuff from Jack White and labels like 454545 (lathe cut). I feel that people are buying this stuff solely for the snobbish-ness of saying 'I buy vinyl'. Even the Record Store Day stuff is like that -- an example being the Beatles' Long Tall Sally EP -- which offered nothing new except a high price.
What is really needed is a rebirth of the good old 45 RPM single. That would, I feel, breathe new life into both music and the record biz.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3745 Points Moderator
carryonsidney wrote:
are you sure they werent middle aged men dressed up as schoolgirls!?!
Let's not make this creepy sid!
I had an out of body experience as it was when I was drawn into, well, dropping the eaves on their conversation, as I caught sight of myself listening in, and thought:
"here you are, no spring chicken, listening to the chatter of young girls, in a shop.... how does that look?"
At which I felt creepy about myself, panicked, and then went back to my default position of ignoring anyone under the age of twenty.... and actively avoiding all children.... toxic little beasts that they are.
(They don't like progressive rock for some unknown reason, they are noisy, in an unmusical way, sticky creatures who I suspect would shank me with a biro given the opportunity, if I don't die soon of my own accord :)
With USB turntables can the 45 be re-invented, With a price point of say £2.99 for a single, £4.99 for an EP, £14,99 for a box set, if there becomes surplus capacity in the industry then is that profitable enough ? Maybe 6" singles become easier for stockists to handle in shelf critical spacing .
PS prog rock ok but one does need a spare lifetime to listen to it.
I picked up a charity shop AIWA with RCA outputs, put them in an adaptor into soundcard input, £5
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7198 Points Moderator
The Numark arrived yesterday. Had a brief play with it yesterday evening, reasonably pleased overall. The tone control is a huge bonus. It'll be sufficient for my needs.
I ripped a jazz 45 to Audacity with it too (via USB) and that was spot on.
Incidentally they're reduced from 130 quid to 90 quid on Amazon although there were only a couple left in stock when I bought mine.