I just noticed that certain LPs in my collection, namely a whole series on the Pye label, aren't actually on black vinyl - although they look like they are. Bizarrely, when a light is shone through them, they are coloured, like this one:
Most have this dark red colour, but some are more blue, and one almost clear.
What puzzles me is that some display a range of colour tones on a single LP, as well as there being patches/streaks of colour, as if a dye was mixed in with the vinyl ball and the dye just wasn't distributed perfectly throughout.
I don't know what to make of this. The vinyl looks to be ordinary black opaque, which I thought it was all along. Anyone have any knowledge of this?
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3745 Points Moderator
Surprised nobody else has responded on this yet TP...
...It is a well known phenomenon, almost entirely associated with Pye, and whatever they were doing with their vinyl mix.
Not only with records appearing on their own label, but people seem to be discovering new contract presses of theirs too, that have these features.
My entry for Parchment's: Hollywood Sunset was where I first came across one, although Some copies of Gary Numan's Telekon with this are particularly sought after - suspected that Pye pressed it... or s ebay listings state "Mis-pressed" it.
I don't think we can call it a simple case of mis-pressing anymore, as in it being a one off mistake that escaped Pye's attention, as these discs appear quite regularly, provided you are minded to hold every disc up to a light to see if each is a genuine balck vinyl, or has a red translucency.
It's just a case of the mix they used for a time... it seems an ongoing thing in discovering which records, and in what kind of quantities they exist in, but already seems there's plenty about.
Thanks guys. I'd never heard of it before, but a little Googling has just confirmed it. Seems like Pye used some different formulation in their 'vinyl' (if, technically, it is still vinyl), and this effect is common to their pressings. Who knew?
Definitely not mis-pressing although I can see why that would be someone's first thought. The fact that the series I have stretches over several years, and every one of them is like this, proves it's not accidental.
Wait, I have to scan what now? Member since Jan 2013 772 Points Moderator
City Boy's 7" of 5705 on Vertigo looks black but is purple when you hold it up to the light. I always thought it was quite a rare thing but others told me it's a common occurence.
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4156 Points
RadoxTheGreen wrote:
City Boy's 7" of 5705 on Vertigo looks black but is purple when you hold it up to the light. I always thought it was quite a rare thing but others told me it's a common occurence.