| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | You kind of highlight the problem with the internet age...
...there's no central "mainstream" platform for artists to heard by a broader audience: A prime time democratised show where you can hear things that would not otherwise be aware of "by accident"... you have to go looking for it.
And so everything, and all these artists are very niche, and only those in the know, know about them, until they become a corporate cash cow like Sheeran or Adelle, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, etc.
But, fear not, as at least one astute individual has woken yup and smelled the coffee:
James Corden Prime Time Music Show Commisioned
(Corden gets on my nerves, but if he does this, God bless him, as at least one person has some sense!)
So get the hairbrushes at the ready for the Friday night again girls, and old people like Steel-River-Wet (Not me, of course, as I never age!) can get ready to moan about the Yoof of today: "Look at the state of 'im", "What's that on his barnet?!!!", etc.
The missing piece to repair the music industry, and capitalise on vinyl revival, may finally have arrived, and the young folks will have a mainstream voice of their own at last.
(Instead of having to hear us old farts bang on about how great we had it, whilst harbouring a growing resentment at us for leaving them with nothing)