I know there are a few "fake" singles for the Northern Soul buffs, eg Frank Wilson "Do I Love You", but I can't recall seeing any boots of unreleased recordings, outtakes, demos etc.
I wouldn't mind betting there a one or two live concert boots, though I don't know I've ever seen any.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
There's been quite a few bootlegs of live in concert radio broadcasts over the years.
As for studio recordings - I've never seen any.
That's probably because TM was such a controlled environment with fixed studios and recording personnel who could be very easily identified were tapes leaving by the back door - at least that was the case back in the day when bootlegs were a tangible entity.
Given that most bootleg albums had a run of 2,500, would that be worth the wrath of Berry Gordy is you got caught?