If a disc was available in the US and Germany with the same barcode and Cat# does it make it International?. It was unavailable elsewhere with the same configuration.
If the Cat.No./label/barcode are exactly the same,then it's International,in this case US and Germany/Europe.
Although i have questioned if there's any point in doing this any more?,i.e,what does that really tell us?,only that two different countries shared the same Cat No./label/barcode combination,that's all,the US one wasn't issued in Europe,likewise,neither was the European one issued in the US.
Do we really need to be able to group together two countries with the same details though?,the alternative being just to have have two separate entries,one US and one European one (which would be more logical to search,i.e "International" doesn't tell you which two countries are involved,until you click on the entry to find out),so i think it could do with looking at perhaps (when the Mod's get 5 mins of course;)
Thanks gregs78s, the disc is listed on Discogs as US or Germany there is another entry for the same disc under Europe but the cat# has changed. So there definitely seems to be a case for having it seperated as USA, Europe or Germany
Without wishing to confuse matters,what i meant when i say Germany/Europe is that this Disc was probably on sale in Europe,Discogs tends to have it's European Discs entered under the country of manufacture (i.e Germany),and not always the country/'s of release (Europe),i.e,(and without knowing which particular Disc it is in question) i expect that although manufactured in Germany,it would have been on sale in Europe,i.e,it would probably have the European retail price codes on the rear tray artwork "PM 500" etc,these,as far as i know,are pretty much always an indicator that a CD was put on sale in Europe,as,if you look at a solely UK marketed Disc,there are no retail price codes,as the retailers here don't use those codes at the point of sale.
(so if it has codes,then it's European)
(PS,of course,that might not always be the case,as there appears to always be exceptions when it comes to CD's:) but it's a rule of thumb i've used myself so far,and it seems to work;)
No price codes anywhere in sight, Disc Manufactured in Switzerland, artwork printed in Germany. I had already added this disc here. But the catalogue number doesn't match and would need it's own entry, just the question of how to assign it geographically
Understood,in which case Germany,the other two have the "EW 851" retail price codes,now i see which disc it is though (The Cars),i think the entry needs separating,as there are Cat.No. differences here (see entry)
BLANK Member since Jun 2011 45883 Points Moderator
International and Europe are just arbitrary and will therefore always be open to discussion. Lots of records manufactured in the EEC were for sale in a specific country only, or for sale in only a couple of countries (territory) only. If we use Europe and Intrnational duplicates will be added continuously..Also the constant adding of new labels with all kinds of slashes doesn't help much. Please look at the label codes (if present) Universal / BMG / RCA isn't a label and messes things up because another will add ithis as RCA / BMG or any other combination. Cataloging isn't easy and needs firm rules. If I did this alone there wouldn't be a problem, but we are with lots of people here working on the same thing.
International and Europe are just arbitrary and will therefore always be open to discussion. Lots of records manufactured in the EEC were for sale in a specific country only, or for sale in only a couple of countries (territory) only. If we use Europe and Intrnational duplicates will be added continuously..Also the constant adding of new labels with all kinds of slashes doesn't help much. Please look at the label codes (if present) Universal / BMG / RCA isn't a label and messes things up because another will add ithis as RCA / BMG or any other combination. Cataloging isn't easy and needs firm rules. If I did this alone there wouldn't be a problem, but we are with lots of people here working on the same thing.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
I always think it's quite simple:
1 country of issue = that country.
2 (or more) countries of issue, where both (or all) are within the same issue area (Europe) = European
2 (or more) countries of issue, where even just one of them is outside that area of issue (Europe, for example) = International.*
* If one is in Europe, and another not, or even two, three or four are, but even just one of them is outside Europe (Australia, for instance), then it must be International surely.
International and Europe are just arbitrary and will therefore always be open to discussion. Lots of records manufactured in the EEC were for sale in a specific country only, or for sale in only a couple of countries (territory) only. If we use Europe and Intrnational duplicates will be added continuously..Also the constant adding of new labels with all kinds of slashes doesn't help much. Please look at the label codes (if present) Universal / BMG / RCA isn't a label and messes things up because another will add ithis as RCA / BMG or any other combination. Cataloging isn't easy and needs firm rules. If I did this alone there wouldn't be a problem, but we are with lots of people here working on the same thing.
I see what you mean, in relation to the Now! music series of discs I had entered one as EMI TV / Universal but when I look up the Label Code LC0542 it's listed as EMI Records. Should I start sending corrections for these discs ?
I see what you mean, in relation to the Now! music series of discs I had entered one as EMI TV / Univers]al but when I look up the Label Code LC0542 it's listed as EMI Records. Should I start sending corrections for these discs ?
Probably yes if they haven't been picked up already.
From the "Add CD" page below the Label box....
Only type a single label, don't use / dashes, type any extra labels into "contribution notes" below.
Alternatively second labels could be added via the "Make Correction" link after the disc has been entered.
I see what you mean, in relation to the Now! music series of discs I had entered one as EMI TV / Univers]al but when I look up the Label Code LC0542 it's listed as EMI Records. Should I start sending corrections for these discs ?
Probably yes if they haven't been picked up already.
From the "Add CD" page below the Label box....
Only type a single label, don't use / dashes, type any extra labels into "contribution notes" below.
Alternatively second labels could be added via the "Make Correction" link after the disc has been entered.
Sounds more sensible to me, Cheers
Found a great site for Labelcodes here
With all due respect,this is the same as what happened with multiple Cat.No's,it was only recently that i got told that if there was more than one Cat.No.,then the additional ones must be added after the entry was posted,using "Add Missing Info",why didn't someone tell us that you wanted additional labels to be added in the same way? (we're not mind readers;) (us "sheeple" need to be told,we are dangerous if left to think for ourselves;)
So,for clarification...
If more than one Catalogue No. is used/present,add additional numbers after the entry has been posted,using "Add Missing Info"
If more than one label is used/present ,add additional labels after the entry has been posted,using "Add Missing Info".
Use the LC .... label code to determine the main/parent label.
And all will be well :)
So,for clarification...
If more than one Catalogue No. is used/present,add additional numbers after the entry has been posted,using "Add Missing Info"
If more than one label is used/present ,add additional labels after the entry has been posted,using "Add Missing Info".
Use the LC .... label code to determine the main/parent label.
And all will be well :)[/quote]
You can add Catalogue numbers after by using the "Add Missing Info" but you can't add Labels. It appears only mods can do that, maybe worthwhile giving that as an option to the "sheeple" as well. I uploaded an album today and added them to the info box as suggested by migh224
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
In the latter days of CD issue, where extra labels / cats come as standard, it might be a good idea to bring the ability to add this info onto the main entry page, as opposed to having only the add missing info bit after the fact.
(as it does seem to have become a norm, that people will encounter a lot)