If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
Yehoo! and good riddance as a format it never lived up to its promises and was a dud from day one. Shit separation and horrendously flat bass and drum sound is how I'll remember the sound of CDs. A necessary evil for those of us collecting from the 90's on but I for one will not miss them at all. I have not bought a CD in three years since the resurgence of vinyl and I have no sentimentality for the format at all. Sayonara to the biggest rip off format in music retailing history.
BLANK Member since Jun 2011 45883 Points Moderator
I look more fondly at the medium. Because of the cd there was never more music available than in this period. All early jazz, blues and country, masses of world music, field recordings, reissues of vinyl albums you could never afford and music from every band and singer-songwriter who was able to plug-in. Most of them with an enormous amount of information printed in the booklets. As I get older it becomes more and more difficult to judge sound quality, but I love the MUSIC on all media. Depending on the place in the house where I'm working or relaxing there will be a cd or vinyl album catering my musical needs. There's so much, I can't listen to all my music again before passing...
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 885 Points Moderator
I’m 20% with Lee and 80% with Leo, these days I’m able to save hundreds of my favourite music to USB which lets me listen all day without repeating any of the songs, like Leo, my hearing is not that great (ringing in the ears) so sound quality is not that important.
Leo, long may you listen to your music.
As to a format that never lived up to its promises, remember 3D TV, did anyone ever buy one?.
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
Leonard you wrote "I can't listen to all my music again before passing..." and my heart sank. I'm sure many of the music lovers that use this site felt the same. Hopefully you've got a good 20 odd years worth to get through though. I'm thinking you might given the amount of stuff you've already uploaded to the site.
...and while we're at it has anyone heard from Magic lately? I hope he's on holiday and not been swallowed by a peat bog on one his long walks.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 885 Points Moderator
Lee Wrecker wrote:
Leonard you wrote "I can't listen to all my music again before passing..." and my heart sank. I'm sure many of the music lovers that use this site felt the same. Hopefully you've got a good 20 odd years worth to get through though. I'm thinking you might given the amount of stuff you've already uploaded to the site.
...and while we're at it has anyone heard from Magic lately? I hope he's on holiday and not been swallowed by a peat bog on one his long walks.
Not sure if this has already been done before.
A big thank you to all the members with health or age issues that have contributed so much time and effort making these sites what they are today, it is very much appreciated.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
It funny how cyclical things are. Vinyl is still alive, although I wish that proper 45s RPM singles would come back as opposed to those RSD vanity things.
Been buying 45s and LPs like crazy from 2nd hand shops as well as my mainstay of 78s.
But my one old digital format I keep going back to is the minidisk. I love em. Have a recorder/ player and 2 portable (walkman style) players. Been buying blank MDs in bulk lots on ebay. This format should have exploded, but Sony's DRM killed it.
Channel separation? Isn't CD limited only by the playback hardware?
Suggestions please for CDs to listen on headphones
It's so hard to choose, My personal faves would be Jon Anderson - Olias Of Sunhillow, The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request, Rainbow - Rainbow Rising, The Outfield - Play Deep, Yes - Close To The Edge + The Yes Album + Fragile, Paul McCartney - Give My Regards To Broadstreet + Back To Egg, Thunder - Laughing On Judgement Day to name only a very few. Happy Listening
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4189 Points
Quad5point1 wrote:
Juke Jules wrote:
Channel separation? Isn't CD limited only by the playback hardware?
Suggestions please for CDs to listen on headphones
It's so hard to choose, My personal faves would be Jon Anderson - Olias Of Sunhillow, The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request, Rainbow - Rainbow Rising, The Outfield - Play Deep, Yes - Close To The Edge + The Yes Album + Fragile, Paul McCartney - Give My Regards To Broadstreet + Back To Egg, Thunder - Laughing On Judgement Day to name only a very few. Happy Listening
It really does depend on what you're into. I found listening to Pink Floyd albums in stereo on headphones for the first time just amazing. Even with the hiss, the CD versions (of Dark Side... and Wish You Were Here, mostly) were great for me in the same way.
Channel separation? Isn't CD limited only by the playback hardware?
Suggestions please for CDs to listen on headphones
It's so hard to choose, My personal faves would be Jon Anderson - Olias Of Sunhillow, The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request, Rainbow - Rainbow Rising, The Outfield - Play Deep, Yes - Close To The Edge + The Yes Album + Fragile, Paul McCartney - Give My Regards To Broadstreet + Back To Egg, Thunder - Laughing On Judgement Day to name only a very few. Happy Listening
It really does depend on what you're into. I found listening to Pink Floyd albums in stereo on headphones for the first time just amazing. Even with the hiss, the CD versions (of Dark Side... and Wish You Were Here, mostly) were great for me in the same way.
Totally agree, though for me the killer was The Final Cut, absolutely massive album and very much slated because of all the angst surrounding it.