hi; one of howard & wyndham co. ltd.'s paperback imprints, star, is currently split in four:
star (uk) 15 titles
star (international) 1 title
star book (uk) 22 titles
star books (uk) 7 titles
they're all books published by w. h. allen & co. ltd. (later, & co. plc) under their star imprint, as seen by their common use of the isbn publisher code 0-352-°
mightn't it be a good idea to unify the listing before too many more are added, pretty randomly, to the four separate listings ?
(° - yes, there's a star p/b that accidentally retained its tandem books/universal isbn and hence publisher's code 0-426-) when a last reprint of it was transferred from that by-then w. h. allen-owned imprint, to star - but all the rest have the w. h. allen isbn code, 0-352- )
no; it's the same uk company, same address etc. at the time; just someone entered that one book as international because it has more than just uk cover price on it.°
° - were this the ruling factor, all u.s. books bearing canadian as well as merkin cover prices would be international. . .
My aim - to add all my collections on 45worlds. Member since May 2009 4565 Points Moderator
Dr Doom - what is your wise counsel on international for books? Does a book need to cover more than two countries to make it international? In the 70s many UK paperbacks also had prices for Australia, New Zealand and Canada - these in the past I have classified as international. But books with just US and Canada?
from about 1967/8 onwards, most major uk paperback publishers included australian and/or new zealand and/or south african and/or canadian (if they held canadian rights) and/or east african and/or cypriot and/or maltese and/or gibraltarian and/or republic of irish prices on usually the back covers of some - but usually not all - printings of the books they published - and only the uk prices on other printings of the sane book, with the same cover, under the sane cat#, and/or sbn, and/or isbn;
unless bookcat is going to separate listings of such near-identical books into "uk" and "international" by whether they bear a cover price in addition to the uk price, or not, it surely makes sense to list them all as "uk" and note the various cover prices:
- elsewise, different printings of the same book by the same publisher will be effectively randomly assigned to "international" - or not.
(& likewise with merkin mass-market p/b publishers, later also the publishers of hardcovers, separating out printings of the sane book into "us" & "international" - but here not depending solely upon whether they bear a canadadian price as well the merkin but, where the cover prices happens to've been the same numerically, whether the carcass of the book was printed in, and the printing distributed through canadada (and prob'ly alaska), rather than the lower forty-eight. . .)
If a book shows a cover price which is for one country, then it's logical that the book is assigned to that country. If it shows cover price in more than one, it's logical it was for sale in more than one - near identical or not.
who's volunteering to sort through all the different printings of essentially the same edition from a uk or a us publisher, to re-enter them on bookcat under different flags (uk or international, or us or international) depending solely upon whether they bear only uk, or uk & other cover prices, or only us, or us & canadian cover prices - ?
I don't know about Bookcat, but why would a publisher set (for example) a Canadian retail price then have it printed on the cover, if a book wasn't going on sale there?
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
It seems, to my untutored senses, that by the time a publisher has established their house and has offices in different countries, their books can be regarded as 'International', regardless of the currency on the jacket.
Early imprints of theirs may well be for a single country, so a reprint could become International.
cover price u.s.a. 75¢, australia 75¢, new zealand 75¢, south africa 75¢
this edition was never distributed in north america nor, so far as i am aware, was it ever distributed in new zealand, nor in australia, nor in south africa.
it was distributed in the uk-of-gb-and-norn-iron, but not at 75¢; the uk-of-gb-and-norn-iron does not use ¢.
i do not think it would be very sensible to bookcat this as an international paperback.
daw books, inc., new american library, inc.'s signet and roc imprint, ace books, inc., the berkley publishing group inc.'s berkley and other imprint, etc, etc. titles that have been reprinted over the decades can and do vary between bearing us$ cover prices, both us$ and - different - canadian $ prices on the same book, and separate u.s. and canadian printings that may bear different or identical $ cover prices, which editions are generally distinguishable only by investigation of the indica page, as the covers are printed in the usa and only the book carcasses (usually) seoarately in each.
different penguin, puffin, panther, granada, grafton, new english library, sphere books' etc, etc. printings of editions reprinted over the decades may bear uk cover prices only, or uk and any of the territories formerly part of the sterling area (selection varying), on different printings covers, and even upon different parts of the same printing, whether or not the publisher actually possessed a subsidiary in those countries at the time - or ever.
contributors of book items do not always list any cover price, and frequently omit minor market territories' cover prices from their submitted items.
the prospect of multiple entries for essentially identical editions' printings - and sometimes even the same printing - of a book being splattered randomly between individual countries and "international" strikes me as unnecessarily confusing.