It only seems to be 78 World that has some entries with the Gesselschaft, all others are abbreviated to Deutsche Grammophon (with a few sub-labels here and there), so I would say merge all the 78 entries under the shorter form (which has been used for over 50 years now).
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3772 Points Moderator
Although I forget the reason why now, once I originally began to enter these as the full title, I was advised not to, as the Gesellschaft bit was superfluous for some reason.
But whatever the consensus is, I'll go along with it.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25504 Points Moderator
Having seen a scan of the CD disc on Discogs there is no mention of Favorit on the disc only the Tulip logo of Deutsche Grammophon so again a tag would suffice in my opinion.