My father was the manager of the ABC Radio Station about 50 years ago and I've got 2 folders containing about 14 old 78 vinyl records that he used to play on air when they were hits back in the 1940's & 50's.
They are damaged from being stored in a musty container and a bit warped so didn't know whether they would be worth anything any more or should I just toss them out?
Thought someone there might know. Thanks in advance.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 885 Points Moderator
Not sure they be worth anything in the condition you describe?, but check out if they are on our 78rpm site they may have info about record and value. Note, we are a reference site not a sales site, though members might be interested in what you have.
Good luck and welcome to 45worlds.
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5166 Points Moderator
I completely agree with Getalife, but jot down labels and artist and either numbers or track details and we'll let you know if there is anything of interest. Warped records are difficult to both play and store.
Most records that are on the 78 (shellac) format have little or no value at all as they are heavy to store and contain little music and also very few people as percentage of the population have the means to play them. I would (shot in the dark) guess at between 1/100th to 1/1000th of 1% percent of the population would have the means to play a 78rpm disc in these times. That is 0.001 % (that's probably generous) of the population.
Is that Australia? 1970s Vinyl 78s!
I can think of two users here that might just be interested to save them from the rubbish, depends on what the titles are ?