As far as I know the answer would be no. When you enter the DVD there's only one box to enter the TV Series name. I don't know if you go to Add Missing Info and add the other title if it would be picked up. Maybe a Mod could give guidance on this one
It appears that there can't be a Cinema entry for a TV episode either, despite IMDB having them for TV series such as American Experience, where each episode is really like a separate film, which perhaps would be good to have a link for credits, etc. for that episode "film". An example of this here is the following DVD that currently shows up as an episode of "American Experience", but doesn't link to the subsequent Cinema film link here, though the Cinema link does show the DVD on its page.
There are a number of (usually documentary) episodes which have been released to various formats as standalone entities. Some are very difficult to track down their TV episode origins, even, but they can and do exist dually.
Just the same way a TV movie can be a theatrical movie at the same time, if the producers so choose to exhibit a TV movie theatrically. (Duel, Testament and Brian's Song are a few examples.)
Likewise, episodes ol "Master of Horror" (not in TV World at this writing) have been released as stsndalone movies, marketed based on the impressive directors and casts with standalone poster art and theatrical billing.
Perhaps a crosslink can be either added to the Notes area when creating new entries or later from the Make Correction link...or even the Add See Also link? I know it crosses worlds to link soundtrack albums, can it do the same for TV series?
Mind you, I am only talking Cinema World and I realize the OP was about DVD & Blu-ray World, so maybe my points are off course.