I can't help falling in love with you Member since Feb 2012 343 Points
What's YOUR preference as to what the lead image should be?
Should it be the FULL front image or should it be an image with the spine cropped off or should it be something else? My friend Magicmarmalade has got me wondering what the consensus is so I thought I'd ask.
This is NOT to say anybody is right or wrong but a chance for you to give an opinion... THAT'S ALL
There's no way to tell how many opinions this thread will get, but I will keep an eye on it and if the consensus is clear, then I will adopt that view
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25538 Points Moderator
The normal order for CD singles is front of inlay then the inlay with the barcode flap then back of inlay then disc then any extras i.e. post cards, reply cards etc e.g. https://www.45worlds.com/cdsingle/cd/4976982
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Yay... I have a friend!
...That's one............. um.......
It's just that over time people replace images with higher quality ones, and have been editing existing images (as site is designed to allow people to do) until a standard emerges, but nobody wants to put people off adding whatever they can by offering an impossible standard, or one that you may not have the wherewithall to achieve, so whatever you can add is gratefully received, if it adds to the sum total of information (visual or factual), so long as people don't mind others improving on it, for the benefit of site quality with regards the informative nature of what is here...
("The greater good.....the greater good".... (Bit of Hot Fuzz for you there )
... standardisation helps make the site easier to navigate and understand, and more, well usable.
The order Redpunk mentions allows you to see most relevant / important detail first, before your eye moves on to periphery or add ons etc. But the lead image being cropped mostly acts as a thumbnail in discographies, where you don't really need to see (and at that level, can't anyway) deeper detail... you go into the entry itself for that, having identified which entry you want, by means of thumbnail / lead image.
People do a lot of work editing images, and put the effort in to the presentation of the site, and mods will always acknowledge that by helping to order entries according to their suggestions... which means, over time, the style of the site will evolve more towards that... as it has, and continues to do so.
But we all say thanks to everyone for anything they do in their contributions...
Every little helps*
(*copyrighted by me, and never used by anyone else, anywhere, ever... honest! )
I can't help falling in love with you Member since Feb 2012 343 Points
So 5 mods say cropped, and me, a rocker and rebel say with spine
Since I posted my thread I've come across a few others on the subject and its plain that without the spine is preferred, so that's what I'll do for any future uploads. Thanks for your interest. Magicmaralade
I can't help falling in love with you Member since Feb 2012 343 Points
This is why I'm agin' having the flap as part of the inner/back image. The flap as it's shown here covers text that's printed on the inner side of the flap that's different to the front. Not a biggie but it's why I prefer to upload images 'as is' ie No cropping