Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25495 Points Moderator
This is one I added, IMHO just add Sound Service Studios as the label then add the images if there's any problem it can always be changed.
Don't worry about adding something unusual as that's what we're all looking for.
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5139 Points Moderator
Hi Roland and thanks for all your good work. If you have something that doesn't exist on the database already or something that is on a new label then you just need to add it as it appears. Although the dropdown list will help if it's something like Warner Brothers or London or Tamla Motown, if you have a new label you can still add it and it will create the label in our database. Even if you make an error we can tidy it up, edit and change things if necessary.
That's why any images you can add will help us to check your new addition and make our site all the better. I particularly look forward to you adding any Okeh records which are not yet on our site.