I am wondering which number to use when adding a new entry. Is it the one within the volume's sequence or the overall "consecutive" digits? There are a few editions I submitted and then sent corrections on. Please ignore them if I got them right the first time. Thanks.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1707 Points Moderator
Hi Maxxvolume
The ADD Magazine entry form has 2 separate lines for Vol. & Issue. Just enter the info as appropiate.
At the moment we are 'sitting' on your corrections because we have no images or clear scans to back up the changes? In particular when I try find Goldmine 802 online their website seems to indicate the Ronnie Spector issue is actually 801 ?
I should clarify better what I asked. The table of contents reads for example, "Issue 802 - Volume 38, No. 8". Do I use the "issue" number or the one following the volume?
Images of the Ronnie Spector issue have been added now. More will be added for the others. There appears to be a mistake on the Goldmine website as I have issue 801 as well. An entry for that one is next on the agenda.