ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
What has happened to this world?
Yesterday 36,000 something releases were added to this world. (36,016 or so i believe)
Today 30,604.
What happened to the rest of them or is it just a glitch.
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
Thank you for that answer
But isn't that something to be mentioned in the Forum before you do it, or maybe when it has been done?
Sort of missing 6000 releases.
But on the other hand, it is good that you got rid of all those entries without images, cat# and other verification.
They were of no use, what so ever!
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points
follow up question!
Do this happen to the other worlds also?
no message in the forum and you just delete items that had been submitted if they can not be verified.
A little tip along the the way.
1. set up some kind of rules or guidelines.
2. do not allow entries without proper verification. (such as cat#, Barcode or images)
Self praise is no recommendation. Member since Oct 2011 45661 Points Moderator
We rarely delete batches of entries without contacting the submitting member first. Most queries are easily resolved by using the Messages service, but sometimes that just doesn't work.
There are some 45worlds guidelines (not Rules), but we want to keep them as simple and easy to follow as possible. We've always allowed submissions without images, but this can of course, make it more difficult to moderate the entries.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25556 Points Moderator
Also if a member adds a duplicate entry their ownership and images will be transferred to the original entry and if they keep adding duplicates a PM will be sent to the member. It is very rare that there is a big problem and most issues are resolved amicably.
I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25497 Points Administrator
Just to say that in over 10 years we've never had to do something like this before so I don't think there is a need to panic and start changing things.
Before deleting them we discussed how long it would take to try and salvage them but found that the details entered were so minimal that they couldn't really be verified or 'completed'
As has been said we delete duplicates occasionally and fake/prank items on the odd occasion that they appear but otherwise deleting items is very rare.