Member of the CLPGS. Member since May 2020 222 Points
Hi Everyone.
Got a bit of a problem. I'm trying to find information on a record I have just acquired, which was produced by The Gramophone Co. Ltd., Calcuttta ( HMV ). Catalogue number P. 9081, Matrix numbers : G.C.-23-12308 and G.C.-23-12309. It is by AGHA FAIZ and sung in Punjabi, but unfortunately as I don't know the language, I cannot read the title. The only thing I have narrowed down is the date - 1928. I have listed it under AGHA FAIZ as a Punjabi Song for now. Any help appreciated !
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1709 Points Moderator
A couple of things about the text on this record, the first line is either in Punjabi or Hindi, but the second line appears to be Arabic or could be Sindhi? If you have time on your hands you can try it out on the Google translate keyboard - yesterday I got a result something like "Mrs Sunny O'reillys morning"! I dont think that was right though! here
Member of the CLPGS. Member since May 2020 222 Points
Thanks for that. I have managed to get a translation for the B side from a facebook group :¬if_id=1615822679311475¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
This has been submitted as a correction on the record entry, and appears in the comments. Unfortunately the A side is partially illegible. There may be a more intact copy out there somewhere though !
If you have a phone or tablet, or something like that, you can download google translates and use photo translate.
Edit: I just ran it through the photo translator and the only part of the title that was picked up was ‘ਵਿਚ ਬਨ ਖਟ’, which means ‘In the forest’. Maybe if you try to scan it with the actual label it might pick up more.
Edited by SeverlyWarpedRecord on 16th Mar 2021, 8:31 PM