Animals / When I Was Young
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band / A Child’s Garden Of Good And Evil
Hollies / Maker
Traffic / Utterly Simple
Beatles / Love To You
Superfine Dandelion / Ferris Wheel (# 1)
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band / Ritual #2
Yardbirds / Shapes Of Things
The Misunderstood / Children Of The Sun
Clear Light / Sand
Alice Cooper / Lay Down And Die, Goodbye
The Blues Magoos / I Can Move A Mountain
Eric Burdon & The Animals / A Girl Named Sandoz
The Blues Magoos / The Scarecrow’s Love Affair
The Nice / Don Edito El Gruva
The Beatles / Revolution 9
The Orb / We’re Pastie To Be Grille You
The Beatles / What’s The New Mary Jane
The Beatles / The Void
The Rutles / Joe Public
Utopia / Infrared And Ultraviolet
Gird your grid for a big one, kids!! This time, we get into some of the weird stuff!!!
I'm pretty sure there were 3 versions of "Ferris Wheel" on the Superfine Dandelion CD. At least one of the others (the longer one) will show up later
I was only able to find two psych Alice Cooper tracks and this one begins the first weird stuff section!
My copy of Sandoz was used and, even though it was not pressed on styrene, it got a bit worn out near the end. If I can ever find a clean copy, I'll replace this recording. I understand that records tend to ware out faster the closer they get to the label, I just don't understand the mechanics of why! I rarely ever get this on albums and I don't recall ever having it on 78's or 80's!! Styrene Monarch pressings are infamous for this!
Yes, 'Revolution 9" is here, too!! I told you it was gonna get weird! I kinda understand why people don't listen to this track anymore than they have to but, I think it's the most interesting track on the album and I understand what went into making it. Most people think it's just a bunch of random sounds. To me, it's like "The Prisoner", the Monkees' movie, "Head", the Captain Beefheart album, "Troutmaskreplica" or a Firesign Theatre album in that: almost every time I listen to it, I find something new that I never heard before! Originally, I was dubious about including it but, it DOES have psych elements.
This next track, by The Orb, is the only one that'll show up in the project and it fits in well with the previous track and the next one!
I have at LEAST 3 recordings of this next track, each one different from the others. I'm not sure which version was used here, it could possibly be the Anthology version.
Also from "Anthology II" is this original version of, "Tomorrow Never Knows". As it was still being called, "The Void' at tis point in production, I chose to call it that, here, if for no other reason than to distinguish it from the released version or the alternate version that got out by mistake which just MIGHT be used here on a future volume!! For those that don't know, when George Martin was done mixing the album, he had another mix of this song ready to go but chose to use the released version instead. But, when the tapes were taken off to the pressing plant, the guy (possibly Norman Smith) that took them grabbed the wrong version of TNK and, before George spotted the error and dealt with it, the plant had already pressed quite a few copies and some had even made it to the stores and were sold!! Once the mistake was caught, they stopped the presses and tried to have all the bad copies recalled but weren't able to! Aside from listening to it, the only way you can tell which is the "bad" copy is by the matrix numbers stamped in the run-out area on side two of the album. I think the only differences were the different placement of the backwards tape loops in the mix.
And, with "Joe Public", we end this stretch of the weird stuff but, there'll be another one shortly!
There aren't many Todd Rundgren tracks used in the project, maybe 5. This one came from the 3-sided 'Utopia" album...side 4 was the exact same thing as side 3.
Thanks! I keep getting that wrong, for some reason! Maybe I'm a closet dyslexic? For Halloween, I used to say, "Trick or trout!".
On second though, he DOES sing, "I'll make love to you" so, SHOULDN'T it be that way/ I've always remembered that the title sounded strange without the rest of the sentence.