Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
UK members may have seen a little news item about the guy who rescued more than 20,000 VHS tapes from landfill
The vast collection, which filled three lock-up garages, will more than double his existing 15,000-strong collection and he is applying for funding to create a national archive
All I need to do now is find all the VHS tapes which litter corners of the cellar and garage, enter then in DVD & Blu-ray World, then parcel them off to his National Archive in Toxteth
He was on Radio 2 Yesterday talking about the collection He picked up and about the Archive. He says they are Digitizing them for People Who are still looking for certain Titles. And You can donate to them instead of Dumping Your now not needed or played Tapes. H.
JJ I have fishing ones rescued from the skip and some pop performances, Blue , and some other boyband groups, which room they might be in is beyond me. Will probably keep the Laurel and Hardy film collection. Dad had Super 8 films but his wife cleared them when he died
Having recently unearthed my VCR and managed to connect it to my smart TV through a scart / phono plug connector, I was pleasantly surprised at the quality in which my own old VHS tapes came out.
I wonder if this guy has got a copy of 'Time Slip - Day of the Apocalypse' (one of the first VHS tapes I ever rented in the early 80s, when literally any dodgy movie that could be found was released to meet the growing home video rental market at the time.)