Browsing the site i was hunting around trying to find if there was a "Most Owned" tag/link so that you could see which CD album (for example) is owned by the most members.
(i could not find one, but i might have missed it, if it already exists forget this suggestion)
Similarly it would be interesting to see what was the most owned Vinyl Album or DVD, or any of the actual physical media entries (excluding Live Music / Cinema / TV)
I realise of course, that, as the site is still growing, the amount of any one owned item would be fairly low, but perhaps a Top 5 or a Top 10 would suffice for each world just to see which were the most popular items in each world in peoples collections.
(One for O.C perhaps;)
@Charlie Chalk
Oh, so there is, sorry i missed that one, using the EXPLORE option in the top blue bar-then collections- then - most collected. cheers!, and it's the same on the other worlds, great.
(Any chance of creating a separate "Beatles World";)