M. Bolan, D. Bowie, A. Harvey & Olivia NJ. RIP x Member since Sep 2011 1871 Points
I want to add a dual CD / DVD. The page shows it as "Format: DualDisc". On that premise I've already added the 11 track CD to the site. The problem is, that when I try to add the DVD 'tracks' it shows CD Number: 2, track 01, 02, 03 etc. Is it possible to somehow change this to DVD: 2, track 01, 02 etc. (Or should I just add tracks as it is and then send a message to the Mods)?
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3760 Points Moderator
Sectionbreak headers are used as vj describes...
... But for clarity, DualDisc is an actual copyrighted term, for a specific (failed) format... They come in a slightly rounded jewel case, and should have a sticker on with the DualDisc logo on.
These are single discs -double sided with standard CD on one side, and a DVD remaster of the album, and / or video in the other. This format should only be used on site for these discs.
Where there are two discs if the same format (CD), use double CD as format, or more than two discs (CD) use box set as format.
Multi-format is used where a CD came with another disc of another format - DVD.
(We should draw a distinction between these and a standard CD issued with an additional disc, DVD or CD as simply a bonus disc... That is if the CD with all the same details -barcode, cat etc. Was sold without the bonus as well as with (these should be treated as merely a free gift, and added in notes to the main page)
Only where the additional disc was integral to the overall package, should it be added to the main listing under the correct format.
If this last scenario is so, it will almost certainly be reflected in the cat number as well as barcode, defining it as a separate product entirely.