I've just added this venue but have noticed that there are 8 gigs for this venue listed under The Bullingdon Arms, which should be moved.
For a short time in 2014/early 2015 The Bullingdon venue at this address was renamed as Art Bar, probably in conjunction with a change in ownership.
The change from The Bullingdon to Art Bar and back to The Bullingdon can be clearly viewed on Google Streetview
The 8 gigs in question can be easily identified as they have all been given the title The Art Bar by the original inputter.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
Actually Its the other way around, apparently the Bullingdon has existed for about 135 years (!) so the Art Bar gigs should be listed at the Bullingdon such, because their tenure is so short.
I will update the the Bullingdo biog/ address.
Looking at the Streetview images for the period in question I’m not entirely sure I follow the reasoning but I won’t be losing any sleep over it
Might be an idea to delete the Art Bar venue I created as well though.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
If you look closer at the other earlier years, you will see the concert room was once called Back Room at the Bully. Probably not much use using either name unless somebody from Oxford suddenly arrives here and lists 10 years worth of gigs.