Having now reached the venerable age of 70 and being bit by the Downsizing bug I have to contemplate getting rid of my CD collection that is over 20,000 discs....Not gonna go the Music Magpie route and get 3p for a CD that cost me £8.99.....It is here looking for a good home
BEST OF LUCK. I'm slowly dumping mine on Oxfam music shops. I've removed the Southside Oxfam Music brand from my routes as I don't want to interup the very important discussions held by the volunteers from the local fee paying school that couldn't be discussed during school showers. I'm concerned about the paid supervisor, who can't get many words in.
Having now reached the venerable age of 70 and being bit by the Downsizing bug I have to contemplate getting rid of my CD collection that is over 20,000 discs....Not gonna go the Music Magpie route and get 3p for a CD that cost me £8.99.....It is here looking for a good home
Unfortunately a lot of old CDs are of comparatively little value on those sites. I have used musicMagpie before, as it’s easier than selling items individually. I’ve also taken stuff to shops which buy collections. Your collection is very interesting, I’m sure - 20,000! I’d probably be interested in a lot of it, since many (most?) of the good reissues of early to mid-20th century pop are long deleted. But I don’t think I have the space, or the means to offer you a decent price for a collection that size.
Ex Decca employee Geoff Milne recently “downsized” and put a lot of his collection up for auction. Much of it went for peanuts, sadly. It’s often annoying trying to find secondhand CDs that are in decent condition.
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator
I have a thread on the forum here where I explained that I "Got Rid" of most of my Various Artist compilations and most of my bootleg CD collections - hundreds of discs in total. My kid brother has got rid of ALL of his CDs and streams everything these days. Charity shops are awash with CDs these days but most of them are pop and not very collectable - some have them at 10 for £1