Remember the good old 1980's? Member since Sep 2011 7797 Points
Does anyone use a flatbed scanner that's developed pale lines across the scan?
If so don't bin it just yet and try this.
Scanners have a white plastic strip stuck underneath the top half of the case just before the glass, where the scan head resides before and after each scan.
Apparently it uses this to calibrate itself and if even the tiniest speck of dust gets on the strip this will cause a pale line.
I took apart my Epson Perfection, removed the glass which was only held in with double sided tape on 3 sides and cleaned everything with IPA.
That's Isopropyl Alcohol, not India Pale Ale. I won't be mixing those two up again!
Now it's scanning as good as ever.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
That's really helpful Malc, I'll make sure to clean mine next time I'm in there. I'm careful to inspect and clean the upper side of the glass in my scanners, they can so easily get little smears and blobs of dried-up tea, milk, IPA ;-) etc. and biscuit crumbs.
I wonder if the calibration strips have any influence of the starting point for the scan: the scanner I use most for CD and book artwork misses off the top 2mm or so of the artwork so I have to guess the gap and manually set it orthagonal, which is a pain.
My aim - to add all my collections on 45worlds. Member since May 2009 4565 Points Moderator
@Juke When scanning I always move the item to be scanned down from the top so nothing is missed. To ensure an even gap I place a ruler alongside the edge, move the item up to it and then remove the ruler carefully.