I store all my 45Worlds images on the D (data) drive of my PC, but I have a few other categories of images from a phone or camera stored on the C-drive under C\\pictures\\(filename) etc. These then become simultaneously stored on Windows 365 One Drive.
When I edit them in PdN and try to save them, I get an error message "An I/O error occurred when writing to the file". The quick way round this is to save in the root directory of the D drive and then transfer them back to the C drive, but it's an absolute pain when working fast with many images, so I got a PC guy in to look at this and some other problems. He fiddled around with some 'permissions' or something and it was cured for a year. Then it came back, and I got him back to look at this and something else. He tried it, fiddled around without success, edited the image in MS Paint and it saved without a problem. I insisted I wanted to use PdN for editing images so he re-installed PdN without success, then read the "Show details" file in the error message, which went into loads of technical details which meant nothing to me. He then googled them and found a thread in the PdN user forum which said it was a known bug from a recent update!
The answer to that is to move any image files into D\\ and keep them there, which suits me fine as it will also stop OneDrive confiscating files from my local C drive.
Today I encountered a new problem: I downloaded an image I wanted to use from a website, and edited it in PdN, then noticed that the website images have just changed to the new .webp image format, so I filed it as a .jpg and checked that it showed correctly. I uploaded it to the item page which needed an image, checking carefull when selecting the file, and again when adding a 'description', that it was good. Immediately I had uploaded it the item showed the sleeve of an unrelated item, which I had added last year. I must have done something wrong so I deleted my wrong image and added the wanted image with extreme care. A couple more tries and I deleted the unrelated image from my PC, renamed the wanted one and tried again. The unwanted image appeared again after the upload.
A screengrab from the webpage was imported into PdN and edited and saved by a random name and, hooray! uploaded correctly.
This completely defies any explanation I can give, but it may be that a PdN bug is saving some data that was on the donor webpage due to a bug at their end. There may even be a bug here in 45Worlds that showed the wrong image, even when MS Image Viewer etc. shows the wanted image.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1707 Points Moderator
You have several different Q's here?
A quick google of An I/O error occurred when writing to the file" comes back with a lot of the same solutions, turnoff or uninstall antivirus software that is preventing the file saves. However obviously you might NOT want to do that.
I think a lot people sold WIN 10 or 11 compatible machines with alledgedly big Terrabyte drives don't realise that C & D drives are part of the same phyiscal disc? Windows OS takes up practically all the space on my C: which causes problems if you want to run an other large memory consuming programmes such as image manipulation/ music editing/ gaming etc. There is sometimes an option to move secondary progs from the C to D drive via Win 10/11 but it makes little practical difference. The D really works for system memory not progs.
The best option for you is to buy an external HD of 1 Terrabyte at least and cut ALL your saved images from the D to the new external drive? I say cut because you want to empty the D as much as possible. You can also install PAINT to the new drive and take it off the C, it will work, you just need update your shortcuts to the prog.
For example my Current machine has 930 GB on the D (disk 0) 238 GB on C (DISK 1) that sounds huge but is wasted space because Windows is using 237 out of 238 !!
So I have added a 500 GB Drive for a spare/ backup / 1TB 1 is the main home for everything I use day to day work/45cat etc (files & progs). 1TB 2 is the back up for that. Plus a couple of 32GB thumb drives for the other half & nippers.
The last part of your Q sounded like an image cache problem on your browser?
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5120 Points Moderator
My experience with Pdn and uploading files would suggest that you may need to clear your cache. This last problem was a common one with me but clearing the cache fixed it.