You don't see many of the rare ones, do you? Member since Jul 2012 1974 Points
I want to add Pink Floyd's last gig with Syd Barrett in the line-up, which was at Hastings Pier in 1968, but I don't know which venue listed here is the right one: are these really three separate venues or are they actually the same one just listed three times? Hastings Pier, Pier Pavilion and The Pier Ballroom
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 885 Points Moderator
The Pier Pavilion and The Pier Ballroom both have the same acts for 14th April 1962. The Temperance Seven Tour, so the Pavilion and Ballroom must be the same venue.
20th January 1968 Pink Floyd at The Pier Ballroom, The Pier Ballroom seems to have the best list of acts from early 60s onwards, guessing it should be under this one.
Spliting the two venues at any one time would allow a little concert orchestra in the Pavillion while dancing music was played in the ballroom. I presume they could be opened up for a larger venue space ?
turn me lose from your hands / tin can at my feet Member since Mar 2013 16107 Points
I'm with getalife on this, and as there are only two shows off the big listing consolidate and move on.
Sure there are many more venues listed twice due to being known by slight variations in name; Royal Leamington (or not Royal); Royal and Derngate or Derngate; Sage or Sage Gateshead - and when did the name change to Glasshouse? That's just off top of a very long list.
Piers too; Cromer is okay but Worthing - closer to Hastings - is a mess too! 5 listings!
Worthing Pier Pavillion/Theatre/ Ballroom anyone.