Remember the good old 1980's? Member since Sep 2011 7797 Points
Does anyone know the maximum number of characters that can be used entering an artist's name?
'Luciano Pavarotti, Sherrill Milnes, Joan Sutherland, Nicolai Ghiaurov, Huguette Tourangeau, Ryland Davies, With The Chorus And Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Conducted By Richard Bonynge,
is too long.
I got an error message saying something like 'problem entering artist's name for track 16' but when I went back to shorten it the entire thing had cleared and I will have to add all 21 tracks for a third time.
The first time the artist's names reverted back to 'various artists' about 3/4 of the way through and I had to go back and re-enter all the vocalists, orchestras and conductors.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Not sure of the exact limits, but I know there are some...
...That would look a bit busy anyway in the track field for artist -so I'd suggest just going for the principle artist and orchestra / conductor per track, and give a more detailed account of tracks / artists in notes.
I recently encountered something similar in the CD and Classical worlds, where the artist field limit appears to be 200 characters. The result of the entry error seems to vary depending on which track was the first to exceed the limit, and on which disc.
BTW it was due to occurrences like this (as well as having the site go down on me while creating a lengthy entry) that I began typing out all of my entry data in a notepad file ahead of time, before actually submitting to the new entry...