Hi - I think I may have spotted the answer to this question in the 'Submit Missing Info' section but it's not in the guide so I just wanted to get the official view on this one.
It's much more of an issue with the 12" than the 7" due to the variety of mixes contained within, but where there is a remix that has not been given its official name on the release, should the name of that version go into the track title field or should the track title display only what is on the label and sleeve.
Couple of examples are bands like Erasure whose singles contain 12" mixes of the lead track but the remix name isn't stated on the release despite it appearing on other releases (the CD single for example).
Another infamous example is Relax by FGTH. Credited as the Sex Mix, on most copies it isn't that at all.
This only applies to a handful of releases I've added so far but there'll be more so what's the offiicial line in the complicated world of 12" remixes so I can ensure they're all right in the future.
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
Hi MannyG,
Generally speaking, we are trying to add exactly what's on the label (or sleeve), and any further relevant info can be added in Notes. This means that all the info is still searchable via the search engine, but the actual inputted data is true to the release details on the disc (or sleeve) itself. No need to add anything as "Title" unless it has specifically been titled.
A BIG exception to this rule is the "and" in composing and production credits. Even if it says (for example) "Lennon And McCartney", we still add it as "Lennon, McCartney". If every one could remember that one, it'll saves the Mods a lot of time in editing !
In Revived 45s, disinterred 33&1/3s, saved 78s Member since Jul 2011 785 Points
Just reading this while trying to work out how whether to add things like "Specially remixed version" and "dub version" to credits for a song that already has brackets in the titles - see AMX 212. Ive added it to the end of the titles, anyway...
Incidentally, the Producer credit prompt on the Add Record screen specifies "exactly as written on the label" so I've been doing that here, including "and" or "/" where they're on the label.
Should I be entering these as separate names with commas, as per the writing credits?
If so, can the mods amend the producer credits prompt, please - maybe just to say as per writer credits. I'm not asking for the antsiness of something like Discogs, just something plain and unambiguous.
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
Hi Scratchy45,
Yes, as with the 7" site, please add all name credits for Production and Composing as separated by a comma (ie "Rodgers And Edwards" should be entered as "Rodgers, Edwards" etc).
I've just noticed that the bit explaining this is missing from the "Adding Guide" on this site - I'll ask our (overworked !!) technical man Orbiting Cat to put it in. As a new site, there are going to be quite a few things that need to be clarified and amended here, so please do keep asking if there's anything unclear !!
In Revived 45s, disinterred 33&1/3s, saved 78s Member since Jul 2011 785 Points
Thanks - and apologies for creating any extra work here! Many congratulations and thanks to all those who have worked hard to create the 45worlds site. It'll be very useful to store details of all the odd bits and pieces I have that aren't 7" 45s (or long-play formats).
Sorry all, I also input production "as on label" different from 45cat. Thought this was a change, or as MS put it, "a feature, not a bug....". Will go through my adds again and ask for correction, sorry again.
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
No worries guys - the Guide is misleading at the moment. There were nearly a thousand moderation edits needing doing on Friday alone and this is with a relatively low level of traffic as compared to 45Cat...so you can imagine how keen we are to try and get a certain amount of conformity going !!
Thanks for all the contributions so far, though - it's all appreciated
Wait, I have to scan what now? Member since Jan 2013 772 Points Moderator
As they've already been mentioned, what do we do about Frankie Goes To Hollywood? They went through a period on ZTT where they released several different mixes but sharing a catalogue number. I have 2 versions of Relax, one marked sex mix, the other marked original mix. They are both very different tracks with the 'original' bereft of the trademark chorus and gaining a Holly Johnson rap. I've also mentioned in the Rage Hard comments that the original poster has listed the track as Rage Hard ++, whereas mine has no plusses. I suspect this is another case of different mixes on the same cat no. (presumably there's a Rage Hard + mix out there somewhere too). So, do we put the various mixes into the one entry, or give them each their own entry?
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
Different pressings with different versions can have their own entry, even if they share Cat#'s. Both FGTH's "Relax (Sex Mix)" and "Rage Hard ++" already have entries here, but if you think you have a notably separate issue, please do add them and make a note of the difference in Notes...