Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7293 Points Moderator
Personally I'd say to follow whatever is on the label for this lot. The different variants can easily be linked to keep the discog together.
I think the main two variants have usually been GUNS 'N' ROSES and GUNS N' ROSES with the latter most common (I think)?? Not sure there's any logic in taking the space out unless it's done that way on the label.
Of course we could agree on one way to go but the problem there is that not everybody would be aware of that so we'd get variations anyway.
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
Add what's on the label, and if its a variation on any of the other inputted names (however minor) then make a Correction Note for the mods - we can then link the various permutations so it's all in one place...
Also worth saying that when entering an artists name (say for example, Jimi Hendrix), please do type the name as it's printed. If it says "Jimi Hendrix", please don't just enter "Hendrix", but type the full name. Or vice versa of course !
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7293 Points Moderator
Actually I think I've duplicate entered Nightrain (which is in my Out pile) because of this issue (i.e. spelling of the band name) - I'll check it out later on when I have it in front of me and sort it out one way or another.