I found a cassette player (mains) ex mini-stack system in the communal skips some time back. other than the need to avoid all the wires around my feet it should be find to link into my computer input. Most of my older dedicated players from the 70s have got sticky or missing drive bands and so too fiddle to fix at present time.
Richer Sounds still have a few new ones left.
Then of course there's Amazon for new or used and inevitably EBay.Try to go for later models. There's plenty of very cheap ones, and if you get a cheap one which doesn't go just get another!
Cassettes in good condition played on a good deck on a good system can sound very good and if you've become accustomed to the horrible splishy top end of 128k mp3s are a pleasing revelation.
And one bonus of getting a bit older (as I suspect a lot of us here are) is that the tape hiss isn't quite so intrusive as it used to be!