Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7294 Points Moderator
OK as brilliant as this new set of sites is, there's one thing really worrying me...
...and that one thing is the fact that my local charity shop has a huge box of CD singles that I have hitherto avoided dipping into... and you know I'm not going to be able to resist now!
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15484 Points Moderator
Likewise nboldock One of the charity shops that I got to regularly has loads of CD singles and a pile of 78s. I often have a dig through them to see what's there but most of the time I don't find anything remotely interesting to me. I suppose they would be good for uploading onto these sites - but as you say, there's the cost........
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7294 Points Moderator
My nearest shop (the one I refer to on here as my "local" charity shop) is fortunately really cheap as it's a proper old school chazza untouched by the hand of Mary Portas and her cronies. CDs are 25p so I don't mind picking them up at that price to scan in. And the cassette single I bought yesterday they charged me 5p for!
Because of where it is it does sometimes get some interesting stuff in too and I'm in there at least once a week on my lunch break.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7294 Points Moderator
Meant to add, I have done the same with singles from there before (20p no matter what they are) and then returned them once I've added them onto 45cat.
I also gave them a box full of LPs last month (clearing out the rubbish) and they're about to get another bnox off me so they're going to be well stocked for the time being!