Iconic and long-running documentary series created by David L. Wolper. Originally aired in syndication from 1961-63 and hosted by Mike Wallace. A short-lived revival followed in 1979. In the 1980s, A&E rebroadcast the Wallace series; ratings were high enough that the series was revived with Peter Graves, who later alternated with Jack Perkins. By 1999 the popularity of the show and the concept was high enough that A&E launched the Biography Channel (later known as bio and then FYI), with other Biography Channel franchises in other countries including the UK an Canada. The parent series officially moved to the Biography channel in 2006 and was produced until 2012. In 2017, the series returned as an occasional series of specials and mini-series broadcast across A&E's stable of cable networks.
IMDB has two entries one for the earlier rendition of this series given above during 1961-1964, and another here for the series episodes that aired from 1987 to present here, perhaps we can add those to the comments above...