Started as nominally half-hour episodes in 2002 but expanded to nominally 1-hour episodes for subsequent series. Derek Acorah left the show after about the fourth season. Richard Felix joined the show for its second season after his Derby Prison Museum was featured in edition 13 of the first series.
henry29-45worlds 4th Jan 2020
| | R.I.P. Derek Acorah off to be with Sam. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 8th Jul 2015
| | Derek Accorah and Richard Felix had left the show at various points in the show's history. Accorah after the 4th season(I think) but Felix held on for a couple of extra seasons before he finally bailed out, citing a "Scooby-Doo" culture developing in the show, Probably his was of saying the show got too sensationalised. On watching examples of later editions, I'm inclined to agree with Richard Felix. Felix went on to produce his own hour-long series of videos based on his ghost walks but expanded to cover a wider area around England, Ireland(northern & republic of), Scotland and Wales. They were well presented but I don't think they were intended for TV broadcasting. I saw them on You-Tube. |
harley 8th Jul 2015
| | Watch it a few times but Derek Acorah exposed it was faked in a UK tabloid newspaper The Daily Mirror. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 6th Jul 2015
| | I watched quite a few of the latter series of MH via You-Tube but found the use of that feature was burning up my data reserve so I had to lay off. |
Record Collector-45worlds 6th Jul 2015
| | Reminds me of a movie years ago called the Blair witch project I thought it was actual footage but turns out to be acting |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 6th Jul 2015
| | This show was good, up to about series four(which I'd seen on You-Tube but after about fifth or 6th season, I could easily understand why Richard Felix opted out. The show got too sensationalist. Seems an American influence must have crept in. Felix claimed a "Scooby-Doo" element in the presentation was taking over and he didn't want to be part of that type of show. Richard Felix had been recruited to the show for the second series after they featured his Derby Prison Museum on Ed.#13 of the first series. Derek Accorah(corrected spelling there) was also gone after series 4 and I think that's where the show sort-of lost its way. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 5th Jul 2015
| | I have seasons 1, 2 and 3 stored on my external hard-drive, each season in its own folder. Series 1 was made up of 18 nominally half-hour episodes(actually close to 22 minutes on average*), Episodes 17 and 18 were "Best-Of..." shows looking back over the series thus far while Series 2 and 3 were 10 episodes each, nominally 1 hour(though actually, roughly 45 minutes*) *The half- or 1-hour would be made up of ad breaks during the show. it was commercial TV, after all! |
Record Collector-45worlds 5th Jul 2015
| | Heard of it but haven't seen it |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 5th Jul 2015
| | Hmmm, seems no-one remembers this show! |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 4th Jul 2015
| | A friend loaned me some DVDs of this so I copied them to my external hard-drive(one of three connected to my computer, this one dedicated to movies, TV and cartoons among other things) I showed it as 2002-now but I'm not sure if it's still in production.
The funny thing about this series is that it was all about ghosts yet it was broadcast by a station in the UK called.... wait for it.... Living TV!
The three names given here are as they were in the first episode which featured Atholhampton House. |